Tuesday, January 15, 2013

From the Painters' Notebook

Linda E here:
This weekend Annie, Jane and I met to consider how others respond to what we do and to us, and how can we catch the attention of others and bring them to us.

i.e.Self promotion. Defining what I do, how I do it, why I do it. then...refining how I say it, whom I am saying it to, and where to go with the information.

Annie here:
As I worked to  communicate my intention, style, aesthetic in words... I found I was talking to myself!

Linda again:
I think Jane would agree: yes, for sure!  We cobbled together our views and words,  looking to carve out a succinct message for others. Hours ....days...and it worked! Possibly because we worked as a group, and were honest, clear and direct with each other.

Between raindrops, we went out painting, old barns, marshes.

Annie here:
In the end  I know I have a clear[ er ] bio thing and a clear[ er ] sense of who i am as an artist.

Lost and Found    [Jane]
Real Stuff     [Annie]
Monumental Quiet    [Linda]

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